ETRES video library

Some of these videos are subtitled, just click on the small CC pictogram to choose the language
These publications in creative commons (CC by SA 4) are the sole responsibility of their authors and the European Commission which financed the project is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
These videos are divided into four categories: The first one highlightstestimonies from stakeholders in the field . The second contains expert advice. The third highlights educational tools and methods . The fourth category highlights activities implemented by the partners in their various territories of action.
You can also access these videos by clicking on the corresponding pictogram.

Contexts and practices
This video gathers testimonies from people who work on a daily basis in environmental education and sustainable development in the territories of the ETRES programme partners.

An evolving profession
The support provided by EEDD educators to citizen dynamics of ecological transition, a relatively recent concept, is obvious and fundamental. It is part of the logical continuation of sustainable development.

A neutral posture
The project leader often has a vision and interests to defend in a project.
ForPhilippe Barret, we will not defend his vision, we will take it into account like those of the other stakeholders.
ForPhilippe Barret, we will not defend his vision, we will take it into account like those of the other stakeholders.

Experts words
Experts provide particular insight into situations, contexts, postures and professional practices. These videos illustrate the different modules of the training system.
Empowering people to act
An ecological transition project is first and foremost about taking charge of an idea or need of a person, group, community or group of inhabitants.
This is gradually leading to what could be described as an educational approach.

The concept of ecological transition
This video discusses the concept of ecological transition. Rob Hopkins meets Colin Campbell, who founded ASPO, the international association that will study the peak oil. There is a form of urgency to change course.

Characterize the project
The approach is similar to that of supporting local development projects, with a few nuances. But here will be added the "characterization" of the project.
To this end, we will focus on its impact, sustainability and educational dimension.
To this end, we will focus on its impact, sustainability and educational dimension.

Supporting is getting closer to educating
It is a more active and distant way of educating people or a group and sometimes to be in front, sometimes next door.
It also means contributing and participating, but in a slightly different way in order to facilitate the progress of the project and its empowerment by the people.
It also means contributing and participating, but in a slightly different way in order to facilitate the progress of the project and its empowerment by the people.

A transformation process
The educational dimension in accompaniment can be perceived in two ways: either from the point of view of the facilitator, but one can also have the vision of informal education. It will bring something more and different.

Fostering participation
Jean-Michel Cornu European expert in the field of cooperation and collective intelligence gives keys to encourage involvement in a group around a project.

Participatory evaluation
There are different ways to evaluate a project. Here, we are in a position of participatory approach, of empowering people to move towards ecological transition.
We therefore collectively chose to be in the same approach for the evaluation.

When citizens get organized
When citizens spontaneously organize themselves to deal with environmental issues in their territory, how does the educational process work?
These are the research questions of Michalis Fotiadis, an engineer and EESD trainer in Greece.

Concepts and postures
Support for citizen dynamics, ecological transition, active democracy...
Orane Bischoff, programme coordinator, provides a synthesis of these concepts that are at the heart of the ETRES programme.
Orane Bischoff, programme coordinator, provides a synthesis of these concepts that are at the heart of the ETRES programme.

Methods and tools
These videos include examples of teaching tools or methods implemented under the ETRES programme.
Designing a support system
This video presents the content of Module 3, which explores the steps involved in accompanying a participatory project:
Clarify the order, define the steps, develop a support system with a participatory and educational dimension and set up monitoring and evaluation tools.
Clarify the order, define the steps, develop a support system with a participatory and educational dimension and set up monitoring and evaluation tools.

Analysis of professional practices
From the moment you have a group that has experience and lived professional situations, and a certain number of questions to ask about your professional life, you can propose a sequence of analysis of professional practices.

World café
This tool makes it possible to create a dynamic of dialogue around key or socially lively issues. A technique to organize the work of a group around small workshops.
This video is about an experience in Spain.
This video is about an experience in Spain.

Put the body in movement
Émilie Guilleminot, from Graine Occitanie, analyses an animation called "alarm clock morning" through an explanatory interview. This type of animation consolidates the cohesion of a group and allows everyone to move.

Il giardino fiorito
The flower garden is an activity inspired by Hervé Tullet's workshops.
Such an activity brings out the collective energy and creativity of the group, a work of art created together, each with its own subjectivity.

Evaluating in motion
Dominique Cottereau, program evaluator, leads an evaluation session on the partnership and the functioning of the project based on a simple and user-friendly principle based on three statements: "I liked", "I didn't like it too much" and "I would like that".

On the field
Activities implemented by the partners in their various territories of action.
Develop a support strategy
A team from the Lozère environmental education network is developing a strategy to support a project on water management.
It is a question of moving from a facilitator's posture to that of an accompanist.
It is a question of moving from a facilitator's posture to that of an accompanist.

To accompany is not to animate
Sandrine Cendrier , from the Lozère environmental education network, is leading a work sequence on the theme of project support for students with a professional degree.

A Summer Camp with Forest Education approach
The experience of a Summer Camp with Forest Education approch realized in the Aula Verde, a place in North Milan Park, dedicated to children from 5 to 11 years old. The practice of educators and actions developed to preserve the environment.

An ecopsychology session
After an introduction on the definition of ecopsychology and the eco-centric world, exercises are proposed to an audience of adults and to be implemented in nature.
These steps can be used as a model for managing a group.

Camatta: The posture of the accompanier
A guided outing in the forest with a group of young children highlights the creative skills of the participants.
This video highlights the knowledge of the environment.
This video highlights the knowledge of the environment.

La Porta del parco: a participatory project
The objective of the La porte du Parc project is to develop a municipal agricultural zone.
Its main purpose is to aggregate associations, subjects, groups and families around this area.
Its main purpose is to aggregate associations, subjects, groups and families around this area.

Set up a focus group (1)
This video shows how a consultation group was set up to develop a space in order to take into account the impacts of this operation.
The objective is that this development project should be based on the people who live nearby.
The objective is that this development project should be based on the people who live nearby.

Validate options (2)
Once the stakes have been defined, we will move on to a validation phase: uses, objectives, needs, destination of the developments....
Participants work in subgroups on the various uses.

Finding an agreement (3)
The time comes for a decision. We come back in a focus group and we have to choose the direction of the project.
Depending on the feedback from the various workshops, points to be discussed or clarified appear.

Sensitize the inhabitants to the functioning of a river
The GRAINE leads a thematic dynamic "Water Education" for all people in a position to train, inform, raise awareness and consult on "water issues".

Sensitize the inhabitants to the functioning of a watershed.
This video is the second in a series to promote and facilitate partnership work between management unions and environmental education associations as part of a comprehensive approach to water at the watershed level.

Talk about groundwater.
This video is the third in a series to promote and facilitate partnership work between management unions and environmental education associations as part of a comprehensive approach to water.