Participatory approach and active democracy

About this module
This module aims to clarify the concept of participatory democracy and active citizenship, in their temporal and historical evolution, through concept sheets, testimonies of actors and experts in order to
It is also about providing tools, methods and facilitation techniques to facilitate the implementation of a participatory approach.
Resources are available in French, Greek, Spanish and Italian

Specific objectives
The person in charge of the accompaniment must be able to mobilize and lead a group in a participative dynamic:To this end, several sub-objectives are pursued
- Clarify the notion of participatory democracy
- Address the diversity of contexts and forms of participation
- Define what is a participatory dynamic and active citizenship
- How to mobilize in this context?
- Methodologies applied in experiences of active citizen participation in ecological transition processes
- To know how to make a participatory approach work
- Facilitating Participatory Meetings: Tools and Methodology

Experts' words
Jean-Michel Cornu european expert in the field of cooperation and collective intelligence gives keys to encourage involvement in a group around a project.
Each type of proactive-reactive participant - inactive - observer - will be able to find
Each type of proactive-reactive participant - inactive - observer - will be able to find
See here a summary sheet (84.1kB) of his intervention (in french subtitled)

Active citizenship and participatory democracy Analysis of concepts, stories and developments

Set up and lead a participatory approach

Participatory animation tools

In the field
In Katafygi, local communities are involved

In Italy, networks of partners and residents make everyday life easier