The educational dimension of accompaniment

They go beyond simply understanding the biophysical aspects of the environment. They are part of the (re)construction of relationships between the person, the social group and the environment (Sauvé, 1997) and thus work towards the acquisition of psycho-social skills.
Expert's vords
Accompanying is getting closer to educating
It is a more active and distant way of educating people or a group and sometimes to be in front, sometimes next door.
It also means contributing and participating, but in a slightly different way in order to facilitate the progress of the project and its empowerment by the people
There is a lot of talk today about "facilitation
The educational dimension in accompaniment can be perceived in two ways:
- either from the point of view of the facilitator, or the accompanying person, and in this case he/she sets educational objectives in advance.
ESD in practice: Three fundamental currents

EESD, fundamental concepts and challenges

The systemic approach: a didactic approach in EESD

Support for territorial projects: a way of educating people about the environment and sustainable development

Camatta: The educational posture of the accompanier
A guided outing in the forest with a group of young children highlights the creative skills of the participants.
This video highlights the knowledge of the environment, the awareness of the importance of green spaces,
This video highlights the knowledge of the environment, the awareness of the importance of green spaces,
Highlight the educational aspect of the support

A series of videos on EESD and support

The different currents in EEDD: scenario of exploitation of videos in training